📄️ User Svc
The user service is at the heart of 1Backend, managing users, tokens, organizations, permissions and more. Each service and human on an 1Backend network has an account in the User Svc.
📄️ Secret Svc
The Secret Svc stores sensitive or internal (non-end-user-facing) configuration. Aims to store all configuration not required at bootstrap, both for internal and external services.
📄️ Prompt Svc
The prompt service provides an easy to use interface to prompt LLMs and use AI models. Aims to serve humans and machines alike with its resilient queue based architecture.
📄️ Registry Svc
The registry service is designed to maintain a database of service definitions, service instances and nodes.
📄️ Deploy Svc
The deploy service is responsible of launching containers on whatever infrastructure the 1Backend is running on (eg. Docker Svc) and registering them into the Registry Svc.
📄️ File Svc
The File Service handles file-related operations, including downloading files from the internet (to cache them for faster access), accepting file uploads, and serving both downloaded and uploaded files.
📄️ Policy Svc
The policy service provides features such as rate limiting of endpoint calls by user ip, user id, organization id and more.
📄️ Config Svc
The Config Svc stores public, non-sensitive and end-user-facing data.
📄️ Model Svc
The model service can start, stop AI models across multiple runtimes (eg. Docker) and maintains a database of available models on the platform.
📄️ Data Svc
The Data Service (Data Svc) is designed to facilitate backendless applications, allowing data to be saved and queried directly from the frontend, similar to Firebase.
📄️ Container Svc
The container service maintains containers on a node. It currently only supports Docker. It expects the Docker socket to be mounted.
📄️ Chat Svc
The chat service keeps a database of threads, messages and file assets associated with them. Chat messages are the primary user interface of LLMs and other AI architectures.